Join The Most Powerful Recreational Software

Stop wasting time with manual and outdated tools that get you nowhere.  Recreational sports and maintenance have never been easier. Now you have the time to do what you love doing the most.
Purple Dot
Product Image
Manage User
Facility Owner
Soccer Player
Productivity Icons
More than 100,000+ teams are using Collab

Workflows to improve your business operations is packed with meaningful workflows that will enhance the way you operate your business.

Manage player profiles
Manage teams Profile
Advance searchable data
Billing Reporting
Digital Payment
Digital Waiver
Referee management
League management
Tournament management
Field Management
Facility Management
Internal communication
And much more!
Yellow Dot
Organize sports events faster

Organize sports events faster

Whether you're setting up tournaments or leagues, you can create events in just a few minutes.

Set up more sports events in a fraction of the time from competitor alternatives
Take control of every data field you need for your business.
In just a few minutes you could be scheduling matches and collecting fees without the hassle of running after players.

Communicate with peers easily

Eliminate the chaos of emails, texts, calls, 3rd party apps, and automate your communication through WePlay software, all in one place.

Review image
“WePlay helps us to organize our work professionally and effectively”
Robert Mayar  -  Parks & Rec @ Las Vegas
Orange circle
communicate with peers easily
Billing Reporting Background

Billing Reporting got a whole lot sexier

You can integrate with your preferred accounting system. WePlay  makes it simple to access the reporting you need with just a few clicks. Oh, and they sure look snazzy!

Purple Dot, simple, fast and fun

Sport Management
Sport Management
We get it, creating tournaments, leagues, and one-off games, then assigning referees, the fields, and sprinting after each player to collect payments is not the proper way of running your business. We have literally solved for an all-inclusive sports management that is powerful, simple, easy, and fun to use.
Facility Management
Facility Management
Name a company where you can create a tournament that includes hundreds of fields, and thousands of players, at the same time allowing you to run, and operate every facility maintenance simultaneously by creating and assigning work order request tickets to your personal staff members.
That's brilliant, we know!
Efficiency and accuracy
Efficient and Accurate
No more spending nights and weekends creating last-minute tournaments because they take forever to build with outdated legacy software. Not only WePlay Software is snazzy, but it is snappy too, with our latest code technology and great user experience at the core of our software, you will have plenty of time back to enjoy 'you' time.

Our Founding Members Promise

Our founders are behind every decision-making for WePlay software because they ensure the success of your business is the backbone of our software.

Our  founders have an unparalleled love for sports, and has the experience to support it as they have played at the collegiate, city, and facility levels.

Our  founders appreciate what each player and parent goes through when onboarding for a new team because they have kids of their own, each in their own sports league, and players themself. And they also understand the pains behind these not-so-good experiences.

Our  founders know all about creating beautiful and easy-to-use experiences because they're industry leaders having worked for some of the most prominent brands in the world paving the way to better user experience.

Crafting beautiful experiences while improving your business workflow is our priority, and what better way to have our fearless leaders at the front and center of your sports and facility management.

We promise to give you time back for you to enjoy 'you' time, we promise that you shouldn't spend more than unnecessary time creating leagues and tournaments while running a business.

Let us take the burden away from you, and we promise to provide an unparalleled experience you have never experienced before.

99.9% will love WePlay.
Not convinced you’re one?We love a challenge.